Coldstream Hills
Coldstream Hills was established in 1985 by James and Suzanne Halliday and has since grown to become one of Australia's leading and most awarded small wineries. Situated in the picturesque Yarra Valley east of Melbourne, the steep, close-planted vineyards of Coldstream Hills have become a signature of the region. So too have its wines, which reflect regional character, consistency and style.

Coldstream Hills酒莊的葡萄來自於Yarra Valley的上、下段山坡葡萄園,並使用溫和的處理技術進行榨汁。Coldstream Hills莎當妮白酒使用法國橡木桶進行桶發酵和陳年長達九個月,然後再進行混合和裝瓶。Yarra上段的莎當妮葡萄通常提供迷人的柑橘味,帶有礦物質石板的香氣和餘韻;Yarra下段的風格通常更豐滿,帶有吸引人的白桃和木瓜味。來自兩個地區的葡萄混合生產出具有複雜性,品種定義和餘韻的葡萄酒。