The Margaret River wine region had its foundations when the Western Australian agronomist Dr. John Gladstones, suggested that the Mediterranean maritime climate of the region would be particularly well suited to growing Cabernet Sauvignon. The Margaret River region has an ideal climate for growing grapes, with its relatively high winter rainfall and warm, dry weather in summer. Altitude is not a significant factor in the Region with most vineyards planted in a band from 50 to 100 meters above sea level.

然而,靠近海洋的位置對維持濕度和控制溫度(包括最高溫度和最低溫度)是非常重要的因素。古老的花崗巖基岩和石灰岩露頭經過破碎分解,形成了適合優質葡萄栽培的土壤。Margaret River地區的土壤類型變化極大,最適合種植葡萄,特別是用於生產優質赤霞珠葡萄酒的土壤主要由礫石表層和壤土覆蓋的黏土底層組成,有時被稱為豌豆礫石土。